I'm Back!
Hello friends! I have taken quite a hiatus from my website! I just wanted to drop in tonight to say, I am back! I hope that I can find a few minutes each week to check in with you and maybe bring a few workout ideas and recipes to you.
It is 10pm and I just finished a quick workout. For those who know me well, you know that is quite strange as I am a morning person and until the past few months would have been in bed by 10pm! Having baby number four and going through an epidemic has changed up my schedule a bit. Right now I am getting a workout in whenever and wherever I can. Tonight it was a quick run and core workout in my bedroom. Here is what I did:
1/4 mile run on treadmill 25 crunches, 15 oblique v-ups (each side), 20 4-count flutter-kicks 1/4 mile run on treadmill 25 crunches, 15 oblique v-ups (each side), 20 4-count flutter-kicks 1/4 mile run on treadmill 25 crunches, 15 oblique v-ups (each side), 20 4-count flutter-kicks 1/4 mile run on treadmill 25 crunches, 15 oblique v-ups (each side), 20 4-count flutter-kicks 1/4 mile walk on treadmill to cooldown.
This took me about 25 minutes and I burned about 100 calories.
I need to workout for my mental health. After a long day of cooking, cleaning up after kids, playing with kids, changing diapers, etc...I needed this quick workout for me. Make you a priority! You can't fill anyone else's bucket if yours is empty!