The Night Before a Figure Competition

In 24 hours I will be done with my 5th figure competition.

Yahoo! I am so excited to be almost DONE with the prep process! I am ready to be back to my normal (still healthy) eating and (still challenging) workout habits. It's been a long eleven weeks! Soon I will know how well it all payed off. Regardless, it's been a fun ride.

For those who don't know, I have been in the preparation phase for a bodybuilding/figure competition for the past eleven weeks. What does that mean, you ask?

It means planning all of my meals and workouts in advance. It means cutting calories and manipulating macronutrients to see a drop in body fat on a weekly basis. It means hard weighlifting workouts six days a week and hard cardio workouts almost as often. It means being depleted and tired a lot. It means gains in self confidence, strength and pride. It means high heels and overdone make-up and tiny bathing suits. It means I have been working towards my goals and achieving them. It means that no matter what happens tomorrow, I can be proud that I am the best me that I can be and that I have ever been.

Check back tomorrow evening to find out the judging results!