Choose an Athletic Goal

If you have taken the time to read my bio you know that my plan was to compete in a figure competition by the end of the year. That is coming to fruition. When I wrote my bio I was working on putting on some muscle, which I accomplished. I put on a total of five or six pounds of muscle.

I am now just over three weeks out from the competition I have chosen, which means that I am about seven weeks into "competition prep". It has been an exhausting but rewarding seven weeks. I have seen my body fat drop by almost 2% and am hoping to see another 1% drop by show day. I'm more excited about this show than any other I have done because I am definitely in the best shape of my life. I have gotten a little better with every show I have competed in.

That brings me to the point of this post. If you have a weight loss or toning and tightening or muscle building goal, you should also choose an athletic goal. Doing so will help you achieve your other goals.

That is what has happened for me. When I was nineteen years old I decided that I wanted to compete in a figure show. I really had no idea what I was getting into, but I hired a trainer and went to it. I fell in love with competing and it has driven many of the lifestyle changes that I have made. If I hadn't decided to compete, I don't think I would be where I am today in terms of my health, nutrition and body composition. When I started training for that first competition, my body fat percentage was 24%. Now on any average day when I am not preparing for a competition, my body fat percentage is 16%.

And it's not just me! I have seen many clients struggle with weight loss until they decided to focus on an athletic goal. I have seen bodies change dramatically after they have decided to train for and run a marathon, try their hand at a triathlon, and compete in weight lifting competitions.

When your goal is purely about the numbers on the scale it can be very demoralizing. When your goal is personal athletic achievement it can be immediately rewarding and that reward tends to spur further hard work and then eventually a change in the numbers on the scale. Think about the fittest, healthiest people that you know. Are they athletes? Most likely they are. Athletes have a drive, work ethic, will, determination and a plan that most people don't have. Change your focus, change your mentality, change your goal, change your body!